piemontese cattleThe first Piemontese cattle arrived in the UK in 1988 from the region of Piedmont in Northern Italy and farmers are now realising the potential of the breed as a terminal sire, especially on the suckler cow.

The Piemontese is an early maturing and long living breed with a great adaptability to many different conditions and therefore it can be bred in all types of climates. It adapts perfectly to confined rearing as well as to open or semi-open herding systems.

The Piemontese produces carcasses of considerable value which, thanks to the meat potential and the low fat rates, rank in the highest categories of the EUROP-classification.

visit our stand at
The Royal Welsh Show

19th to 22nd July 2004

Beef & Growing Cattle South West 
   29th September 2004

Club Show 2000 

The British Piemontese Cattle Society Ltd.
Secretary - Craig Culley
33 Eden Grange, Little Corby
Carlisle, Cumbria. CA4 8QW
Tel: +44 (0)1228 562946 - Fax: +44 (0)1228 562187

Contact us for a copy of our latest Society Journal (UK only)

    The Society is a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 2228994 and registered as a charity no. 802680.    
    copyright 2000 - 2004 The British Piemontese Cattle Society Ltd    


harrison & hetherington signet stackyard